In the morning as I am pouring myself a cup of coffee, as my thoughts begin to become cohesive, I mix in a little creamer to make my coffe facy and yummy. Over the last week or so, in the middle of this process I ask myself this question: How is it possible that Half and Half be fat free? I thought "half and half" meant half cream, half milk... am I wrong here? This is the great mystery of my mornings...
[Have you seen it in the grocery store or used it? Did it only recently come on the market?]
This morning, I checked the label. "Ingredients: Nonfat milk, milk*, corn syrup solids, artificial color**, sugar, dipotassium phosphate, sodium citrate, mono and diglycerides*, carageenan, natural and artifical flavors, vitamin A palmitate.
*Adds a trivial amount of fat
**An ingreadient not normally found in half and half."
Hmmm....all of those -ates and -ides. and-- artificial colors are kinda strange. Its kind of like those Olean chips that came out a few years ago. Everyone was excited that the chips had less fat or something...then they read the label and realized that they contained bizarre ingredients with unfortunate side effects. Maybe we want our good ole reliable fat back again...
As I am reading the label, since I have not yet consumed said coffee, my brain is not able to figure out deep mysteries of the universe such as these, and I sort of grunt, return the half and half to the fridge and finish cooking my egg and toast. MMMMmmmmm....
Yeah, it's all a big scam. It's not really half and half. I'm fairly certain that drinking the fat is better for your than all the robotics.
At our coffee stand we use heavy cream and real half and half for our "cream." It is straight yum.
yum, yum, yum!
soy is nice too. :)
hey, I'm a friend of Brenna and ended up on your blog from hers...and now I have to chime in about fat free half & half because I have a lot to say. Keeping it brief, I'm a former nutrition major and was raised in a healthy home where my mom highly regarded ingredients more than calorie count. I have a few friends who are very excited about the new half & half, but it is true: it's no half and half! It has the same consistency with less fat and calories, but the sketchy ingredient list turns me off right there. I say go ahead and splash a little h&h (or soy--yes, it's yummy too) into your coffee and keep the rest of your diet whole and healthy and you'll be just fine!
Also, an important thing for people to know who try substituting fat free h&h in baking is that its properties are entirely different, and it will not work the same.
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